Sugar, sugar, oh honey, honey

Sugar has been in the news a lot lately. It dawned on me that I didn’t need any help with the “hidden” sugar in my diet because there is already too much completely obvious sugar in it. I love sugar. I have always had a sweet tooth, and I don’t particularly want to give it up. Quite frankly, I want to have my cake and eat it too.

But, and it is one massive but, my father developed type-2 diabetes, my sister developed type-2 diabetes and my teenage niece has been monitored for the past five years in case she becomes diabetic. I don’t want to eat myself into diabetes. I don’t want to feed my children “treats” that lead them to develop diabetes. So the sugar has got to come out of our diets.

I’m not going cold-turkey; I’m going for moderation. My oldest daughter has been told that on school nights, dessert will be fruit or yoghurt. (I know there is sugar in yoghurt but it’s better than chocolate or biscuits). My youngest girl won’t notice the difference and will simply be healthier for it.

I’ve got into the bad habit of bringing a couple of biscuits on the school run to give for the girls to eat before we drive back home. No doubt this is a failure of imagination on my part. I particularly welcome suggestions for a portable, child-friendly, low sugar snack that can be eaten in about 5 minutes. And I will be checking out: for some good ideas!

One thought on “Sugar, sugar, oh honey, honey

  1. How about fruit? Apples, bananas, & dried fruit are all very portable snacks. Some fruit bars (e.g. Humzingers) don’t have any added sugar. Obvs the natural sugar is still an issue from a dental POV, but I’m not sure what would be a good snack? (I’ll ask at my next trip to the dentist!) Oat cakes & cream crackers are liked here too.

    Fruit & yogurt is our usual dessert – there’s no sugar added to plain yogurt, our favourite is Total Greek yogurt with bananas, flaked almonds & honey

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